Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s
We’re combining these three holidays because most states begin their DUI crackdowns around Thanksgiving and maintain them until New Year’s Day. Usually, around this time, many companies and families have holiday parties in between the actual holidays. Because of this, there are quite a few DUI arrests in between the actual holidays, especially during the weekends.
St. Patrick’s Day
This is probably an obvious one. Not only do police set up DUI checkpoints, but many local cab companies and other organizations such as AAA set up free sober driver services for people who need a ride home. If you’re interested in celebrating these holidays without worrying about driving, you should look into one of these services.
Memorial Day Weekend
It’s the unofficial kick-off of summer and it’s when the grills and the coolers full of beer come out. Many people tend to go a little overboard. Therefore, many states tend to set up DUI checkpoints and saturation patrols throughout the weekend.
Fourth of July
It must be the overall relaxing attitude that is summer, but many DUI arrests occur around the Fourth of July, especially if the holiday happens to be on a weekend.
Oh, the number of costumed mugshots we’ve seen! Many people who are of drinking age like to revert to their childhoods and embrace the fact they can include alcohol in their celebrations. Of course, area police expect these festivities to get out of hand and are usually on high alert. Remember, if Halloween occurs on a weekday, many people tend to celebrate on the weekend before, so expect to see DUI checkpoints and roving patrols during that time, too.
It can be inevitable that someone gets arrested for drunk driving during a holiday. If it happens to be you, the important thing to do is not panic, but contact an experienced DUI attorney right away.